Popular Holocaust Acrostic Poem Why Is The Holocaust So Popular But The Slaughter Of Around 10mil People In Africa Is Mostly Unknown?

Why is the Holocaust so popular but the Slaughter of around 10mil people in Africa is mostly unknown? - popular holocaust acrostic poem

When I asked someone what you are about the Holocaust? Most people are familiar with it. But howcome is not the same with the atrocities of the white europian well made but for the African continent? I suspect that the racism of the reason why most countries in the 19-21 centuries, not care for Africa.


Shanna S said...

This is a very, very good, answered with a very, very complicated.

First, it is difficult to compare to a flood of a particular culture during a certain period in a specific region of the world, of a particular government, which on the African continent since 300 years.

Among the very few documented cases of ethnic cleansing and conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi in Rwanda is well documented. The world desperately to rid South Africa of apartheid.

The wars that were Biafra and Ethiopia and Eritrea also well documented. It may also represent the trade in slaves, especially in the western part of Africa for hundreds of years.

Angola, Nigeria, Congo (tell me who does not know the name of Idi Amin - Forest Whitaker was nominated for the Oscar presentation of this kind). The Sudan is a disaster.

But the biggest killer in Africa is at the moment AIDS. And the world is working to address these murderers.

I'm not so sure that racism is to capture the attention of American culture on the African continent. There are a lot of history that the whole world against ethnic cleansing and mass killings.

It is also important to remember the atrocities committed on the Asian continent. Pol Pot is one of the most famous authors in Cambodia. Stalin did not hesitate to eliminate whole groups of people and those who simply do not like.
Let's talk about the Taliban and its rule of terror, what is happening now.

The German Holocaust was a strong position in the American psyche, I think, for two reasons:

The first is that many survivors came to the U.S., told her story, and became U.S. citizens. Einstein, one of the great minds of his time in this group of people

The second is that it is so closely connected with the Second World War. This war was a profound personal experience for most Americans. Soldiers returning from Europe, saw the camps. IIt was a shock. A real shock.

Because of these two elements, the Holocaust, the German is part of the American experience, but keep in mind that there are some very popular misconceptions about this cruelty. The first is that only the Jews were victims. It was about half. The rest were non-Aryans (Sinti and Roma, Muslims, African or Asian descent) and others that do not fit very well the homosexuals or who are mentally ill.

A history teacher told me an axiom of age. Basically, the story has survived, told by survivors.

I encourage you to learn more about the details of the learn what they discover the history of Africa. For more information about the countries, geography, cultural landscape, religions ... everything ....

You can find where they in this puzzle.

smokey said...

Well, first, because if you think of great suffering for the Jewish people automatically think that the Holocaust, but if you think people think in black and suffering, the atrocities of slavery. also because the United States were involved in slavery and the Holocaust were, so that there are publicly known. his death than during the same time as the Holocaust, which most people do not know that Joseph Stalin was responsible for most in Russia, that the Holocaust to the entire

xninjagr... said...

Because nobody cares about Africa, also in Africa (or so it seems sometimes)

You must understand that the history written by the victors (read: white) and refuses to see her in a bad light by spreading his dirty laundry in Africa. I mean, France has one iota of responsibility for Rwanda but to accept the French Government, unless the Hutu Interahamwe with machetes hacked We even approximately one million people to their deaths? No, they washed their hands of this mess of Africa, even before it happens

If you are interested in the genocide in Africa, I recommend a documentary Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Romeo Dallaire (there is also a book with the same name, have not read it yet, but I'm sure it It is exciting). In addition, a film-video (non-documentary) means quite simply, the hand with the Devil Starring Roy Dupuis (as a representative of the General Dallaire is awesome)

Another good book on Rwanda: "We are pleased to inform you that tomorrow with our families (you describe the story destined to be killed, some informationtion of the historical tensions between Hutus and Tutsis, talks about the role of Belgium after the war and how France came into the mix .. the most interesting parts are at the end when the author of the refugee camps of the United Nations speaks and how they can be easily infiltrated by tons of genocide

I have not seen the Darfur documentary "The devil came on horseback, but I hear it's great

do not know if it's documentaries about the Democratic Republic of Congo / Zaire and Burundi, etc., etc.

Shelby said...

and thinking. during the Holocaust, how people aware of this? something for everyone. It was only after being informed that if people do not even know what had happened. and even for years that people came to truly understand. Genocide in Africa is a terrible thing, but not unknown. OK, so it is not as well known as the Holocaust, but believe me, Arent people who live in the holes (mostly). be calm, ur not as pretentious as ur wanting. My question is, what do you do to help the situation in Africa? If you are so worried, why not spend your whole life to inform people about what's going on? I know that sounds sarcastic, but it's really important to you, you have to do something to make a difference. calm down, people are very much of the continuing genocide in Africa, there just is not really a damn thing any of us can do to stop this immediately.

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